Donate or Sponsor Me

If you like my work, and want to support me, you can send money to me 💸😉

By supporting me directly, you make it possible for me to keep writing helpful tools and materials for the community. Currently, you can send me money by using the following systems:

You can find details about how to send money through each one of these methods below.


Pix is a brazilian payment method available in most banks operating in the Brazilian market. To get my Pix key, you can click in the button below to copy the key to your clipboard:

Or, if you prefer, you can also get my Pix key by scanning the QR Code below:

PayPal Donation


You can send money via Swift Payment with the following bank and Swift details:

Recipient: Pedro Duarte Faria
Account number: 6124512226
Name and address of the bank: Revolut Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd, 6 Battery Road, Floor 6-01, 049909, Singapore, Singapore
Corresponding BIC: CHASGB2L

If you do have a Revolut account, you can scan the following QR code:


If you don’t have a Wise account, you can send money via Swift Payment with the following bank and Swift details:

Owner of the Wise account: Pedro Duarte Faria
Owner of the account: Wise US Inc.
Account number: 715958645769167
Name and address of the bank: Wise US Inc 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor, New York NY 10010, United States.

If you do have a Wise account, you can scan the following QR code: